Adventureday with school class

With the Adventureday you get the opportunity to spend time together in the adventurevillage with food, activities and bathing on the schedule. The adventureday takes half a day in activity time but you are weolcom to stay at the area the entire day, doing your own games and having fun together. We start off with fika and the division into teams for cooperation practice. After this game it is time to se who can kick a ball the best, one or a couple of rounds at the football golf course. After activities the class eats hamburgers before changing into bathingsuits for a dip in the lake, or a warmup in the sauna. Fun play at the water with access to kayaks and a peddleboat. One adult per 10 children comes without extra fee. 





  • Fika
  • Grilled burgers
  • ​Cooperation practice
  • Wooden heated sauna
  • Tre kayaks and one peddleboat
  • Life vests